Welcome to TechOlympics!
Whether your child is attending TechOlympics for the first time or the fourth, we are glad to have them. At TechOlympics, students will gain experience not only with many exciting forms of technology, but also with vital job skills such as interviewing and resume writing. Professionals from many industries and organizations across Cincinnati will guide your student through technology challenges from programming competitions to design workshops.
Student Agency
In addition to providing your student with many opportunities to learn about technology careers, we also focus on helping them practice their agency skills (independence, perseverance, and grit). TechOlympics participation and managing registration is the responsibility of the student, not the parent. Please encourage your student to email us themselves with any questions or problems they may encounter during registration.
While we welcome parental participation in the event as an official volunteer through your business (see our Sponsors page for a listing of participating businesses), parents may not attend TechOlympics as a companion to their student. (If you have a student with special medical needs that requires your direct assistance, please contact us and we will help arrange accommodations for you.) For parents attending as a business volunteer, school representative, speaker, or other official capacity, you may arrange your own hotel accommodations.

Safety and Supervision
Whether your child is attending TechOlympics for the first time or the fourth, we are glad to have them. At TechOlympics, students will gain experience not only with many exciting forms of technology, but also with vital job skills such as interviewing and resume writing. Professionals from many industries and organizations across Cincinnati will guide your student through technology challenges from programming competitions to design workshops.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is TechOlympics 2025?
TechOlympics 2025 will take place February 15-16th, 2025.
Who can attend TechOlympics?
TechOlympics is a technology conference designed by high school students for high school students, therefore the conference is targeted and limited to students in the 9th – 12th grades. Special exceptions may be made for younger students, with the approval of the INTERalliance Executive Director.
Where should I drop off my student?
Parents and other drivers can use the circle in front of P&G Tower Building for both drop and pick-up.
The exact address is ‘2 P&G Plaza 418 E. 5th Street Cincinnati, OH 45202’